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Elliot Hunt

Technical Artist & Game Developer

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About Me

About Me

Howdy! I'm Elliot!

I'm a Technical Artist and Game Developer based in Orlando, Florida.

I would love to help bring your games to life by working in all stages of game creation. From general Programming to Technical Art to 3D Modeling, I'm excited to lend a hand!


Gritty Fluff

Gritty Fluff is a social simulation game Prototype I made using Unity3D, Blender, and C# with an art-driven approach to development!

I worked on all portions of this game from the concept art of the wolf character all the way to nearly every script found!

I continue to work on and update this one. Keep scrolling for more details as well as to see the rest of my experience and projects! Credit to Abby Alperovich ( for helping with the initial idea and design!

⬇ Download Below! ⬇


One feature I'm particularly proud of is using Scriptable Objects to control the color scheme of each NPC through the Unity Editor. When talking to the blue wolf above, he is blue and orange, and his associated UI Elements are as well!

Werewolf Chibi Concept Art.jpg
Werewolf Chibi Concept Art.jpg

This is the concept art I drew for the wolf character on my iPad in ProCreate.


I created the Movement, Camera, Dialogue, and Checkbox scripts and used the Animator Controller and animation graphs to control the Walk, IdleA, and IdleB animations I made for them.


I then modeled, textured, UV-mapped, Rigged, and Animated the wolf character in Blender 2.8.


The outline shader is one from the Unity Asset store that I adapted to derive the color from the Scriptable object for that NPC.

Image by NASA

ORBIS Technical Lead

I am currently Technical & Programming Lead on an unannounced educational game made by ORBIS for NASA's Launch Services Program!


As Tech Lead, I do a lot of scripting and debugging in Unity, while leading a team of 3-4 programmers. I also serve as a resource for the design and art teams (5+ members each), as well as work with producers to outline achievable goals.  Additionally, I run meetings with NASA.

The game, once published, will be available for iOS on the App Store, published by NASA.

ORBIS Logo.jpg

ORBIS is a game studio and intensive leadership training program within Full Sail University. Check us out on LinkedIN !!!

LinkedIn headquarters_edited.jpg

Fairing Construction:
In this minigame, the player balances their budget and protection (dB) by adding and removing blankets.

Louis Trinh and I were tasked with completing this minigame from an existing but broken codebase. Louis did much of the redesign work with some scripting, while I handled debugging, gameplay scripting, and meeting design requirements he set.

Specifically, I reworked a game manager to calculate and update the scores, turn them red or green, allow blankets to be placed, create bonuses, as well as updated the UI elements to denote which blanket is currently selected. I also debugged many buttons and UI elements in this game.


Main Menu: I created Story Mode using Player Prefs, Debugged the Options menu and formatted the Credits.


Satellite Cleaning: I debugged the tutorial for this minigame and implemented the trash can for throwing away used swabs.


Characters: I created the Animator Controllers, Blend Trees, and ensured the characters moved and animated in line with the Art Team.


Coupled Loads Analysis: In this minigame, I debugged some issues that left springs unplaceable, soft-locking the game.


Stay On Target:
I debugged, scripted, and worked on the UI for this minigame, while Cody Sneed did a major refactor of an existing codebase.

Specifically, I scripted some of the Coroutines for gameplay involving the green bar moving up and down above, created the footer that gives instructions and scripted them to change with each new phase of the minigame, tied Mission Control dialogue boxes to appear at points, created the skybox, and met NASA's requests with regards to the rocket model itself and general accuracy of text.

One item I was particularly proud of in this minigame was giving it a bit more soul than it had. For example, I created a Screen Shake script that activates when the user is doing well. I also used a Render Texture with particle effects on a separate layer to overlay fireworks onto the Results Screen.

Full Sail

Full Sail University


For the past two years I've worked at Full Sail University, teaching Lab Sections in the Game Development and Computer Science degree programs. I primarily teach labs involving Unity, Unreal, C#, C++, and use Perforce and GitHub for Version control. Typical lab sizes are between 5 and 20 students. I've taught over 1000 students how to code and make games here!

This job really has taught me a lot about leadership, project management, jumping into other peoples' code, and, perhaps most importantly, public speaking. It also keeps my technical skills sharp!



I've taught 3 separate Unity Lab sections while at Full Sail, as well as, regularly answer questions on Unity and fill in for coworkers in Unity labs regularly. Unity labs focus primarily on project/portfolio work, where students  design a project and create it. I served as a resource to help with troubleshooting, debugging, Code Review, and being a project manager.



I used Perforce significantly with Unity projects in labs and on the NASA project through ORBIS.



I have taught labs in C# everywhere from the first programming class all the way to late-program Unity Scripting classes. This is the language I am most comfortable with.



I've taught two lab sections for (3-D Content Creation and Project and Portfolio IV) for 4 months in Unreal 4 & 5. The classes acted as surveys of Unreal Engine's features and covered everything from converting Blueprints to C++ to  Geometry brushes.



I use GitHub daily and have taught TortoiseGit, Github Desktop, and using Git through the Command Line.



If the lab isn't in C#, it's in C++. This is my favorite language, and a language I teach many labs in currently including DSA, and previously, Operating Systems as well as 3-D Content Creation!

University of Wyoming

University of Wyoming

While I was at the University of Wyoming, I worked as an Undergraduate Researcher in 3DCC Lab, working largely on a research project studying altered muscle mappings for control of a virtual cursor in Virtual Reality. We used a LEAP Motion and an HTC Vive, and I programmed the movement of the virtual cursor based on finger positions in the LEAP Motion.

While there, I also published a section in the textbook VR Developer Gems (2019) And presented research at Spatial User Interactions in Berlin, Germany and Human Computer Interactions in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Amazon link to textbook: 


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